Saturday, July 5, 2014

First impession Sailor moon 2014 and Rail wars

I finished Puchimas!! season 2 i won't review it because there is nothing to really review but i suggest you do check it out because it is a cute little series
fyi its 74 episode but each are 3 min long.


                                                (Moon prism power bitch!)

The first episode lived up to the hype i enjoyed it soo much. If it feels fast pace it because they are following the manga plot which is good. Tuxedo mask look way 100% better to me personally in this series than the original. I kinda figured Momoclover Z would do the opening if not them Kanon wakeshima (but she kinda used up her anime opening theme song card for that other anime) but i didn't figure they would do the ending as well. A few people had a problem with the transformation sequence but i LOVED it. I loved it more than the original. I hope when we are introduce to the other senshi's they get the same transformation treatment. I am so here for this sailor moon


Rail Wars

Yeah no. Its just a anime about people working for the train in tokyo. Its like watching a anime about people working for the MTA but with more drama to it. It looks interesting but im not gonna be watching this series. I checked it out because of the aspect of trains and im somewhat interested in trains but no.  I like Baccano better.

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