Sunday, May 29, 2016

Mayoiga episode 9 review

I didn't do a episode review for 8  because it really was kinda boring till near the end but here the jist of what happen in 8
- Masaki is not a ghost she happen to visit there once before with her cousin
-Masaki is the only one in the group who can't see any of the monster due to her not having any trauma
-The driver kidnaps Masaki (Hayato and Mitsumune kinda tagged along) in order for her to take him to his dead daughter 
- Oh hey the two semi likeable people manage to fine one of the people name Jack(the one with the eye patch who is somewhat of a weeb)
That all what happen in episode 8

Episode 9 takes place where we left off Mitsumume , Hayato and Maskai are all in the bus trying to get the bus driver to calm down and stop the bus but its a no go for him and he drives through the tunnel.

While on the bus Hayato and Mitsume saw their monsters of course we know what mitsumune monster is but as for hayato

                                                            The fuck is that hayato!!

Anyway the bus driver manged to drive to the end of the tunnel and the trio get of leaving the driver behind. The driver on the bus managed to see his dead daughter and that the last we here of him. Masaki want the two to turn around but hayato decide that its better to see why she is so scared and the three of them goes forward only to find ANOTHER abandon village this time covered with fog.

Masaki finds the stone that her cousin carved on with his last messages to her about accepting "Nanaki" whatever the fuck that is. they ask her about it and of course she wouldn't know. They group decide since they are here why not inspect this other village

during the investigation Masaki decided that she "Has to go to the bathroom" (you will see why i put those in quotation later) and they let her go. Meanwhile hayato and Mitsumune  decided to have a chat in a abaondon building of all places. Hayato decides that NOW it would be a good time to tell Mitsumune about his past and how much he hates his parents and how they were abusive assholes who cared only about their imaged  That monster that Hayato saw was his dead grandma who he only saw as a photo when he was little whenever he was locked up in the attic for not meeting his parents standards.

After he monologues about his past shit takes a left after he fuck it up by saying he "Needed Mitsumune to stay his puppet" and goes on about how he needed him to "follow him and his orders". Mitsumune is reasonably upset and flip out and leaves Hayato but then remember that Masaki had went to the bathroom but on the way of looking to meet up with her she finds her ribbon  and goes to look for her.

To sum up the last few minunts of this episode Mitsumune meet up with Valkana who is fighting a weird eye looking monster.

Seriously what the fuck is that?!

 Mitsumune meets up with his monster but its relatively smaller than it was previously. Lion and Nanko try to get Maimai to go into the tunnel but are attack with arrows by Jack (the one who they locked up)  before they are saved by a mysterious person.
                                     Where the fuck have you been old friend

Mitsumune walks into a lake with the penguin monster and before the episode ends Mitsumune wakes up in what we can assume is a hospital.

This episode while still confusing was better that last weeks one. For one we get to know about Hayto past and why he is so overprotected of Mitsumune We also get the reintroduction of two missing characters but now we have more questions than we do answers.

1) why are they attacking and where have they been?
2) is the mysterious guy masaki cousin or someone new?
3) How did Mitsumune get to the hospital?
4) This might be just me but why does nanako keep grabing her stomach when she is making her deductions, observations or whatever?

I don't know but this episode did have alot going on for it. Next week who know, but it does looks like after a few episodes of bullshit its starting to be good.

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