Monday, May 9, 2016

mayoiga Episode 6 review

Guys, Can we talk about Mayoiga? Like REALLY talk about it. Seriously WHAT THE FUCK is going on? For starters No one on the cast is likeable.  The main three are fucking annoying, the others are expendable and even some that are half-way like able are just plain cut and dry its just like why are they even there!

Anyway this episode takes place after main dude(Mitsumune) and main chic (Masaki) excaping after Masaki help Mitsumune escape a sneak attack from 4 of the other member who think he help one of the member they had locked up escape. Before episode 5 ends Mitsumune see a huge giant monster and the episode ends. In this week episode the four that tried to attack Mitumune goes to look for him after they see that the fire that was set by masaki to smoke them out was a controlled fire so no harm.

Shit get weird after they go to look for them.  Each of the four who went to go look for mitsumune ran into a monster who was a physical representation of what they were afraid of.

 For Love pon it was a demon that was suppose to be a drawing on a bottle one of the monks who visited her mom would drink.

For Nyanta its a huge fucking bee! But its only because she was tied up and one of her bullies shot a bee nest down on her face

For Jigoku no Gouka(stupid name but there are others in the group with worst names) Its a blob of Silicone

 And for Mikage it was this monstrosity of a fucking train (also his form of failure)

they somehow meet up with the others but they are so shaken up by what they have been chased by that its hard for them to talk. Before the episode ends Koharun(the person who gave that shitty shitty anoying person the map to the place) tell the group that while looking at a few flies that were at the place Masaki name came up in a missing person article and that Masaki may or may not be a ghost.

Besides those fucked up monsters that were chasing the four, this episode was slightly better than the previous. The monsters that was chasing the four were each a personal fear of each character a during the chase we got a flashback which added somewhat dept to them. Those flashback made me somewhat have new found tolerance for these characters but they are all still annoying. Now as for Masaki being or not being a ghost i really don't care but i do think she might have something to do with this fucked up village.

I don't know. Hopefully next week they actually start explain shit and stop adding more shit to this shit.

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