Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cross ange episode 18

Hello i know it's been a while since i did a Cross ange review i think my last review was for episode 10. Since we last seen Ange she's found out the DRAGON'S are actually Human girls they been shooting down. Vivian is one of the Dragon girl and the element of  time travel via the Villkiss been introduce  and for 4 episode 14-17  Ange, Tusk and Vivian has been stuck no not in the past but 500+ year in the Future. There is a new evil they have to go after name Embryo who is the mastermind behind the fuckery in the future and in Ange time. New characters are introduce and more problems are added. By the time Ange make it back to her time the rest of the girl Join Embryo army just cuz and those that are left are on a ship just cuz.

I really hated the fact that they had added the element of time travel during episode 14-15 because it wasn't really needed In my opinion. I almost drop this whole series because of it because that whole time she Tusk and Vivian were in the future i was hoping by next episode they would make it back but nope four episode of nothing. Yeah we learn that Mana is used by stealing a huge DRAGON power but i feel we could have learn it another way.

Anyway in episode 18 with everyone back on the Ship Ange explains to those that are still there what she learn and wants to come up with a plan to stop what will happen from happening. At first Jill wasn't for it mostly due to the "helping dragon's" Aspect of it but evently  she agreed to help.

After the meeting everyone question Ange on where she was and why she was was alone with Tusk it was mostly Hilda who was asking. Mostly Half of the crew went with Embryo during the Ambush Including Salia, Chris and Ersha. Jill then goes ape shit and pulls the old bate and switch and decide not to help Ange with her plan but force her to help her with her plans on destroying the Dragons all in all Jill is taken down and subdued and Ange contiunes with her plans.

Im starting to hate this show. This show is getting more and more ridiculous. First the Dragons are people, Then Time travel NOW  all this other shit.

I feel that they could have summed it up in 12 or even 16 episode but now they are just dragging their feet with this series. It's not even enjoyable as when i first watched it. Yes i know alot more about the DRAGONS and the Villkiss now. I even know that it was Embryo who started all of this  but really all of this could have been explain better and in a few episode less.

  Why  time travel  why did you have to make this a bad series

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