Saturday, October 15, 2016

Fall anime first impression Pt 2

You can check out part one here  Fall First impression Part one


No  this isn't another Hellsing OVA, Drifter is a anime basted off the manga of the same name and yes it is made by the same person who made Hellsing.   It follows Shimazu a warrior who while in battle is gravely injered and finds himself in a different world than the one he came from.  While recovering he meeds Nobunaga and Yoichi Nasu both are dead in Shimazu timeline  and in Yoichi case he has been dead for 400 years in Nobunaga time line. .  Im curious of how this is going to go. While the first episode what boring at part  it was a gore fest  not even three minunts into the show and its blood everywhere.

Yuri on ice!!!

Three exclamation point's means its exreem!!! Jokes aside, Yuri on ice!! (Just call it Yuri on ice you don't need that many fucking exclamation points it really not that kind of show that need that many ) follow Yuri Katsuki who after failing at the Grand Prix fall into a bit of a slump epically seeing how his idol Victor Nikiforov, was watching. While back home in Japan unbeknows to him Victor tracks him down and finds him and vows to be his trainer (while naked ). The skating animation in this show is very fluid and flawless and this show does has alot of comedic moments but  it balances it out with it's skating.

Fune Wo Amu/ The Great Passage 

Well this is a interesting show. You ever want to work for a company that produce dictionaries?  this is the question that is prose to our main character Mitsuya Majime at the end of the first episode.  Our Main Character orginally works in sales for Genbou Shoubo. He is approached by Kouhei Araki a man who works the Dictionary department of the same company but has to retire soon to care for his sick wife and is looking for his predicessor to take on his biggest project of creating "The Great Passage" a new Dictionary project.
SO why is it so interesting, it was a popular novel in Japan  that was adapted into a Live action movie that was THEN adapted into  a anime.

Honorable mention are coming soon

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