Saturday, July 23, 2016

Summer Anime First Impression Honarable Mentions 2016

Summer First impresion part 1

Summer First Impression part 2

The Honorable Mentions.


I really do not know what is going on in this show. This show is a short which is based off a game by the same name which im guessing was made for the fans of the game so if you aren't or never heard of the game (like i have) you will be completely lost. For the most part it s a good short and its made by the people or person who brought you Diabolk lovers so there's that.

Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu

This short follows a guy Sakaguchi who is a "Fudanshi" a male equivalent of  a Fujioshi he like reading BL but isn't gay just enjoy the romantic relationship between the characters he has a friend who doesn't mind his hobbies but hates the fact he does occasionally would write him into his stories. Its a very funny short to check out if you want to see what a fudanshi is like.

Amaama to Inazuma/ Sweetness and lightning 

To be honest it would have made one of my list but i feel like ive seen it before. Its like a mix between Usagi drop(without the insectious overtones) and Shaft Koufuku Graffiti  and that the show.  The plot follow a father who is taking care of his daughter after becoming a widow and a high school student who always eats alone due to the fact her mother is always working. The two decide to help each other out. She will teach him how to cook if he along with his daughter will eat with her every night. Its a good show but i also feel like its lacking in places.

Love live ! Sunshine!!

Another one that would have made my top list had the main character wasn't so FUCKING ANNOYING.  Seriously, how is it that EVERYONE ELSE IS LIKEABLE EXCEPT THE MC. I legit want to punch the girl in the throat.  Other than my pure hatred for the MC, Sunshine is better that the original love live to me.  I like five of the girls and for the most part the songs are decent. Im hoping they do something way different with Sunshine.  to make it more different from Love live entirely.

And that the list if you want to check out part one and two they are linked at the top

what are some anime you will be checking out this summer?

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