Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Mayoiga final thoughts

Well we are finally at the end of a funny yet train wreck in motion which was Mayoiga(The lost Village) and oh boy.  All i can really say about it is Best Comedy of Spring 2016. Now before someone says "Oh but sakamoto desu ka is better than this shit" realistically yes it is but after watching the whole season and seeing it go from having potential to shit then yes it is a comedy, not in the same way Divine gate was for the winter season (cuz divine gate was terrible)  but let me explain.

The last two episode was a experience in it self that i won't even bother to explain it because it better than you watch the last two episode and experience what i and others who watched had to go through. All i would say that episode twelve the final episode was bullshit and half the cast stayed and the other half left. The three main did leave as well as the poor driver(really he shouldn't have to go through all that bullshit seeing he was only in four episodes) and the tour guy as for the others there where people who you though were going to stay but ended up leaving. As for those who stayed only one stayed who i thought was going to leave the others i kinda saw coming or really didn't care for.

Mayoiga had potential to be a good Horror/Psychological anime for the spring season. With is twist and turns every week and the added aspect that there is a monster in the village it seem like it was good. Boring but good. However, it seem like after the sixth episode someone over at management said "FUCK IT your budget is cut and figure out how to end this shit with what you got". I say that because during one of the episode someone pointed it out on a website that Koharun was with masaki while she was tied up and in the crowd. 


Besides Koharun being in two places at once there were lots of times where the animation decided to go to shit, be it when it came to the monsters or with other characters mostly Hayato



I mean overlooking the last two episodes (escically the last one) it not that bad of a anime if you are looking for a "So bad that its good" anime which this unintentionally became. I mean it had hint of it being or becoming a good show but then there were fuck up here and there preventing it to be so.

If you are looking for a laugh though check it out.


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