Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Young Black Jack Episode 7

I Love this episode of Young Black Jack because it step into that territory of Racism and as a nation we are currently dealing with on some levels. Last week ended the "In Vietnam" arc of the series which in my opinion wrap up nicely.

  • Yabu was safe and he was found unharmed he even managed to get himself clean
  • They mangaged to save Steve only to have him ended up blown up by a land mind.
  • A new Doctor was introduce.
  • One of the person flip out over Steve death and order a air strike on the village they was staying at.
  • They ended up preforming surgery to save a guy who help them escape the jail they was held at  
  • Everyone ended up ok except the guy who phone in the air strike who ended up dying in the air strike.
  • Yabu stays in Vietnam to help the villagers.

So this episode takes places a few years after the assassination of Dr. MLK and in Chicago. We meet a young man dub "Immortal Johnny" due to his inability to feel pain and we see that as during a confrontation at a dinner from what i could assume was the Black panther party trying to get young Johnny to join them and abandon his non confrontational ways. He ended up getting his arm broken while trying to save his childhood friend Tiara who ended up being shot.  While she turn out ok we find out that he is not only a activist but due to his inablity to feel pain it put him at a greater risk of being hurt or worst dying.

We learn from Tiara  that Johnny didn't use to be that way. Back when they were little he Could Feel pain. So  we learn that it isnt a hereditary thing like Young Black Jack first though.  This episode ends with the doctor vowing to find a way to cure young Johnny and a clean and sober Yabu getting off a plane.

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