Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Summer Anime First Impression Pt 3(Final Part)

Im sick so i will be slow to post. I know that some of these episodes are on their 2-3 episode still im giving my first impression.

Himotou Umaru chan

A story about a Girl who lives with her older brother who at school puts on a persona like she has her stuff all together but in reality is a hard core otaku. The first episode was so funny. She is a fifteen turning sixteen year old who threw a fit because her brother didn't go get her manga. Even her own brother couldn't believe it. I love this shows comedy so i will be watching it. its mostly Slice of life but the comedy is just too much.


It's like someone took both season of SAO and said "Fuck you" to it's creator.  This show it's like SAO but add a 33 year old otaku who get drafted into the Army and take out the "getting trap in the game" element you have GATE. The first episode was interesting. I'm kinda iffy about this show while it is good i got a feeling its going to lag some where in the middle.


Guess who back and took a page out of Kaowu Nagisa book of loving human beings and has a boner for life? Izaya! As well as the others are back in the second half of the second season of Durararax2-Ten. The first episode of the second half was mostly spend with izaya recovering from the stab he gotten at the end of the first half and him dicking around in his hospital room because he was bored. Near the end some girl from so suicide club Izaya started (god only knows when) comes back and tries to kill him for trying to kill her  but he ends up subduing her. This second half look like it going to tie up the loose end from the first half but it's Durarara so we might just be left with more loose end to tie up.

Gakkou Gurashi/School Live!
 If Madoka magica left you with feelz for Maho shojo's then School Live!/Gakkou Gurashi will leave you broken and feeling helpless for girls trying to survive a zombie infestation and one of the girls having grand delusions. Either way this is another fucked up anime about school girls. It's more on the psycological side because one of the main characters chooses to live in her own fantasy world instead of the horrible zombie infested world she has to currently survive in. Good show.

God Eater

  The first episode was delayed one week but boy was it worth the wait. Slow start but  for the most part this looks like it's going to be good. I never played the games so it going to be interesting to see how this anime going to be also Ufotable is doing the animation so this should be good visually as well.

I will be doing something i never done before and do a special part for Honorable mentions because there are alot just didn't meet my anime watching list.

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