Thursday, March 26, 2015

Parasyte Final thoughts

Well we have reached a end of a good show. It had action, It had a decent plot, It even had a moment where the main character did indeed ended up with the main girl. Parasyte had it all for the most part but it's main selling point was the action, drama and the fact that Shinichi and Migi had to kill all the evil parasytes.
Sure it did had it slow moments and there were episode that i thought they could do without but im glad they kept them for they also added to the story.
It was right after Shinchi fought the parasyte who ended up killing his mom and taking over her body that Shinchi because somewhat of a jinx to be around. First his school was attacked again by a parasyte masquerading as a student, then the girl from another school who had a deep crush and also had the ability to tell who is a parasyte or not ended up dead by a parasyte, The detective who was following him then ended up kidnapping Ryouko baby  ended up dead by Ryouko and then Ryouko who could have easily fought back ended up shot by the cops protecting her human baby. Not to mention Shinichi lost Migi for a episode and a 1/2 meaning he lost his arm too.

 In episode 23 He ends up fighting and defeating Gouto  who looks like a cross between M.Bison and the four arm dude from Mortal Combat. A parasyte who was created by Ryouko and who she herself says is "Flawed"  He mostly has the upper hand for he possessed multiple parasites in his body  it was when Shinchi Peirce him with a pipe on his side that the tables turn. Long story short Migi return and Gouto was soon defeated. Episode 24 was mostly a epilog of what happen to the characters after the events of episode 23. The parasytes have change their diets to adapt to human food to blend into society and most of the people have stop talking about them. Shinichi and the others are in college and seem to be living normal lives at this moment Migi is in permanent sleep he came to Shinichi at the beginning of the episode saying his goodbyes and after that resolved himself to a deep sleep.
what i felt was not needed in this episode was the murder kidnapping murano just for a whole dialog about what is or isn't normal.
The ending felt incomplete yet complete at the same time.
It felt incomplete because i felt they could have ended it better or a different way but it felt complete because what more could they say?

Story 9
Plot 9
Animation 8.5
There were moments where the animation was a bit wonky and questionable
Sound 7
I felt they overused the dubstep in this anime when it came to some of the fight scene

Overall 9.5
Despite it being a better verison of  Invasion of the body snatchers  and lacking in some areas, this anime doesn't disappoint even when there is a episode that seem slow or boring it usually make up for it in the middle or near the end. This is a good horror/action anime which does has its heart breaking moments epically when they start killing off characters you are attached to.  Check it out if you are looking for something different.

                                                Shinichi regains Migi from Gouto

                                                            No arm Shinichi

                                                          Murano and Shinichi in college

                                                           Ryouko and her baby


                                                              Goodbye Migi

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful review for a wonderful anime! Definitely one of the best shows I've yet to see in anime; the thrills and characters never failed for me! :)

