Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Free eternal summer Episode 10

Rin show these fuckers a sight they never seen before

(even though they have somewhat)


Now i know i didn't do a review for the past few episode that because i felt there was no reason to review them.

Anyway, in this episode it was mostly focused on Rin and sosuke. Rin being the late bird he is figures out that Sosuke shoulder is messed up. Instead of giving him the runaround like he has been doing he decide to come clean.
Since Rin left him during their middle school year together he's been training so hard that it's messed up his shoulder to the point that he decided to quit swimming but before he does he wants to truly be Rin friends and swim with him as his friend.

Rin(being the bitch baby that he is) decides to break down and cry

The teams compeate in the relay and it was Sousuke last time swimming with Rin and the team.
Sosuke didn't want to know about him wanting to quit swimming because of his shoulder and Rin didn't even know and having this information now thrusted  apon him at the last minuted  is so overwhelmed with emotion all he can do is cry

It looks like from the few sceans haru was in Haru is having second thought about his swimming career.  In Epsiode 9 he broke down in from of the scouters and just stop swimming in the middle of the race so maybe could it be that haru is thinking about quitting swimming as well?

who knows. This episode was good Im looking forward to see next week episode and how they are going to end it.

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